

The isolated tribes are happy people, they make with what they have since their childhood.These peoples are rooted into their seasons, their food supply , they are in accordance with their environment.
In our western societies we became operators on a chain of products, a society that wants to erase our differences so that the whole human group works, to eliminate the nuances between the individuals, the loss of confidence in Diversity.
It is easy to say that if everything has changed, it is the fault of the Foreigner, this other to us. Lack of analysis on oneself.
We are every film directors of our life and we give intentions to the others.
There is a real necessity of reinventing ourselves, of founding this serenity this first people still have.

Paul Ricoeur « the shortest way from ourselves to ourselves, goes through the other »

Patrice Pelissier d.F lives in a small village south of France, Saint Martin de Londres. Idealist, realistic, Patrice still believes the good is possible, if we really want it.