your banker
“if you see your banker or a co-worker at Folsom, do not look surprised; Folsom is about tolerance and respect ; are we all not free to be dressed like we feel is the most comfortable?”
@ Folsom – SF
“if you see your banker or a co-worker at Folsom, do not look surprised; Folsom is about tolerance and respect ; are we all not free to be dressed like we feel is the most comfortable?”
@ Folsom – SF
He was trying to fix his earring when I approached to ask him if I could take a picture. He then raised his arms towards the sky as to call his God. He then took a nasty face. He had chains hunged on his nipples
@ Folsom Street Fair – SF
He was distributing naughty leaflets smiling, but when I asked him if I could take a picture of him, he took his serious air of the kind “I am irresistible and you know that!”. He gave me one of the cards from his left hand, I gave it to Jules. I think his name was George.
@ Folsom Street Fair – SF
It is not that common to meet with horses in the streets of San Francisco. This one immediately accepted that I take a picture of him. He was a proud horse.
@ Folsom Street (Leather) Fair
I liked their pants and their beards
@ Folsom Street Fair – SF
He immediately accepted that I take a picture of him; he reminded me parties dancing on the “YMCA” rhythm.
Folsom St Fair @ SF