“I have been traveling for the past 4 years, backpacking and I am coming to Burning Man as I was told it is an amazing place to see once in a lifetime. I plan to go to Panama in two months to take a boat to Australia, a 3 months trip; by then, I am planning to work in a Marijuana plant in California, harvesting is soon and this is very legal in CA.”
We met with Ben (the Land Surveyor or “Arpenteur” in Canadian French) as our neighbors were complaining about the bad smell coming from his tent ; Ben Ji and his very young girlfriend were starving, we invited them for lunch, they went back to have a nap on the floor near their car after Ben had peed on the door…
When I asked Ben if he had a dream, he started crying and responded “My dream is to be happy for the rest of my life, if all goes well”